Okay, so here we go. The Epic Story is a story, and it's...well, epic. You see, we create a story, making ourselves characters. Not our actual selves though, we can each create one character, a mythological type character, you can make a Greek god, Norse god, or monster from any mythology or cryptozoology.You can be a Greek hero like Hercules, or a monster like the Chimera. Be a centaur, minotaur, Bray Road Beast, whatever. Everyone should write in a different text color, so we know who writes what. Just keep adding and when you think the page is getting to long, just make another and continue. To join the tale, just write your website username, your made up name for the strory in the color you plan to write your parts in, then say what you are. Just keep adding, and all that. Be beast, god, hero, or mortal, good or evil, wizard or ghost, djinn, gargoyle, like I keep emphasising, the possibilities are endless. Although you can change your name/identity a few times early on in the tale, try not to do so too much, it will be confusing.
Note: This is the second page of The Epic Story, so if you are new to the tale, you may want to go back and read page one: The Epic Story.
Note 2: Remember to put a website username and a character name.
Writers/Characters:Vampirejediknight= Adair, Shape-ShifterUnaekgnoah=King Unaek, The King of the Fairies (Yes, there are male fairies, you know, even though they have "flower powers," they are still man, who else attracts the fine lady fairies) killerbeast222=king of the elves, ally to all good dragons. mythsoftime= The phoenix rider karadon KingLaceration=Newly crowned King of HeavenTheDragonLover = Ashaedia, The Dawn Dragon Lord. Elven Dragon Rider and Ally to All Good Dragons (GIRL and Dark Elf). Rides on a black, red and gold dragon with shining red eyes. Has long dark blue hair and eyes the color of molten brass. She's a good guy.Irishdwarf45= Brandand, an old dwarf who once worked in the south-western jade mines. I'm a good guy.Elvishwarrior22=Tharandil, (thar-an-deal, a like a in father), a High Elven Elite
Chapter Ten: The Battle of GalsirAdair and his group began their travel quickly. Adair had transformed into a small, light gray dragon, the knights were on their dragons, and Unaek was levitating just above the ground, a faint glow around him. The flying lasted three days. It was hard. Preparing for battle lasted two days. They had to prepare anti-siege weapons in the city, make sure they knew how to coordinate the defense, and prepare strategy to fight an army they could see marching towards them on the horizon. The city of Galsir was made of the traditional light, slender wood of the surrounding forests. The architecture was beautiful. That was the problem. The High Elves built for beauty, not strategy. The buildings of the lakeside town weren't made for war. They would never withstand siege weapons. That was why he was having Brandand design metal plating for the buildings. Brandand was depressed. The dwarven capital had been attacked before the dwarfs knew what had hit them. King Mort had taken over the dwarven lands and slaughtered the goblins to the last before them. Goreferst patrolmen roamed the lands of goblins and dwarfs, capturing or killing any wandering survivors. But Brandand designed and help build the metal plating in time for the battle, which began when a volley of large, flaming, oil-coated projectiles tosses from trebuchets and catapults hit rained down on the city. The lightly armed and armored High Elves shot down a small group of rank 1 (of six) goreferst berserkers who were probing the lines. More projectiles rained down, and a few troops rushed forward to dodge them and were almost caught by a volley of arrows when Unaek made said arrows turn to dust. He raised his staff and struck it on the ground lightly. Some mounted gorefrsts rode forward on a primitive race of bray road beast, and said mounts had the variously sized wooden spikes lining the cobblestone ground impaled their large paws. It was around this time that the Dark Elves showed up. It wasn't a great army, but it was fairly large. The battlehorns blew loudly. The Dark Elves had come to the rescue of the High Elves. A volley of black arrows from the Dark Elf ranks took out two lines of dwarf troll pike men. The second volley slaughtered a small force of south-eastern desert trolls. They were a burly race, not too much taller than dwarf trolls. They had extremely tanned skin, not the usual ugly gray or dirty, ruddy color. A volley of enemy arrows stirred up the agitated ranks of the High Elves, who fired back, their arrows taking down a band of goreferst spearmen. The gorefersts organized ranks behind the cloud of smoke that separated the two armies. Karadon, Ashaedia, and some Dark Elven dragon riders flew through the smoke and set the ranks of gorefersts ablaze. Several battallions of human mercenaries crashed into the ranks of Drak Elf cavalry, and the two groups separated from the main battle to fight their own little fight, but it was little contest. The Dark Elves won easily and rode back to their main force. A horde of Dark Elven footsoldiers drew their swords and disappeared into the smoke. A giant troll with war drums, a battlehorn, and an enormous war hammer approached the defenders of Galsir, and was shot down by a volley of black and white arrows mixed together in one sun-blocking rain of arrows. the troll crushed several goreferst in its fall to the ground, and white arrows rained from the second story windows nearby. Ladders!Goreferst berserkers covering ladders being carried by labor trolls. "Shoot down the trolls," a High Elf commander shouted in High Elven, one of the many languages Adair spoke fluently. He sheathed his sword and grabbed his bow, aiming his first bloodred arrow with two red fletchings and one white strait for a labour troll's ear temple. The arrow hit, and Adair nocked another. Karadon flew up with his bow and shot several arrows at the troll's temple. The troll swatted at Mistral, dropping the ladder, and Mistral set its whole head on fire. The blazing, terrified labor troll ran into another, knocking it over and making it drop its ladder too. Another ladder touched the side of a house, and the first goreferst berserker (rank three) was shot down. It was followed by three rank two berserkers and then a rank six, who actually made it in, but was shoved out. The archers in the windows were alone in fending off the berserkers, because a line of northern ice trolls was attacking, each troll carrying a pair of large one-handed swords. They were the smartest, the some of the weakest physically. "The goreferst berserkers are breaking into that building filled with archers! Go defend them!"A Dark Elf commander shouted. His men raced towards the building and broke down the door. There were shouts and battle cries from the buildings as the Dark Elf knights fought the berserkers. Ashaedia swooped down, striking down many berserkers with her long sword. There was a roar as a Dark Elf rode into battle on a dragon, followed by other Dark Elves on dragons. The groups leader shouted a command, and his knights swooped in and annihilated a large group of berserkers. Ashaedia recognized the leader of that battalion. It was her father, Marthos. She flew to his aid as a large labor troll tried to swat him out the air. He saw his daughter coming and smiled.
"Ah, I've see you've join the fray! Come, help me slay this troll!" Marthos shouted. He and Ashaedia swooped down and slashed the labor troll's bald head. It screeched terribly and swung its massive arms. Marthos and Ashaedia sheathed their lances and pulled out their bows. Karadon came in just in time to shoot one of his arrows at the labor troll with Marthos and Ashaedia. The three knights shoot at the same time and they hit the troll's temple. Upon the pain that the troll felt when the arrows pierced his skull, it fell and died, crushing many of the berserkers below it.
"Blackguards! Attack the rest of the labor trolls and make sure no berserkers get into the buildings!" Marthos shouted. The Blackguards swooped in and attacked the remaining labor trolls. A berserker pulled back an arrow in his twisted bow and shot it at Marthos. He blocked it with his shield and shot an arrow back. It hit the berserker in the chest and he fell over and died. Ashaedia looked up to see a wave of gold rush over them and towards the opposing army. Was it a wave of gold? Ashaedia looked again and saw that High Elves mounted on gold dragons flew down from above and attack the berserkers. And she recognized the leader. It was Finubar! Ashaedia rushed in to fight by his side just as a bolt of green lightning passed by her. It hit a berserker and it exploded, killing any other berserker near him. She looked behind her and saw that Dark Elf sorcerers and High Elf archmages had band together to fend off the incoming berserkers. Blue bolts of energy were shot from the sorcerers' and archmage's staffs as the berserkers tried to push nearer to the city. One sorcerer that Ashaedia knew, Siprus, fired a large sphere of red, blue, and gold energy at a group of goreferst and the berserkers turned to dust. The battlefield before Adairs army churned violently as High Elves clad in gold armor swooped down with the Phoenix King and strike the army. Dark Elves rode into the enemy on black horses clad in black and gold armor with their lances raised. They pierced the enemy flank, and soon the enemy army was depleting in numbers. Adair rushed in, torching retreating goreferst spearmen in his dragon form. The battlefield, soaked with blood, was empty. Everyone cheered, and Marthos, Ashaedia, and Karadon landed on the earth. The Blackguards followed suit and landed near by, cheering and patting each other on the back. But the battle wasn't over.... Ashnard growled and Mistral screeched a lament as they sensed something thundering towards the resting army. Karadon looked towards the sound and yet another army came, but it was larger than the last. And in the middle of the army was King Mort. He rode on the largest Bray Road Beast Adair has ever saw and his soldiers were a combination of werewolves, gargoyles, vampires (there are bad vampires and good ones but the bad ones are on Mort's side), and large minotaurs.
Tharandil and the elites ran out to a good spot to shoot from, and fired three volleys, killing three minotaurs and wounding ten, but not much else. All the others that the arrows hit weren't vulnerable to regular arrowseven High Elven ones. Tharandil stapped his white, powerful, long-ranged, Old Elvish longbow (the BEST kind) to his back and drew his wonderful, slightly curved, double-edged, Old Elvish lonsword. The other elites followed, tossing down their High Elven Longbows and drawing their High Elven Lonswords.
Karadon looked at the army in utter fear and amazement. They were miles away but it was terrifying. All mythical beings and creatures seemed far stronger and far bigger than a normal mythical being would be. Had King Mort made a potion who would double their strength and size. He soon came to realize that there were the black magic wizards which could explain a lot of things. He knew for this mission he would have to use a forbidden teaching he learned in the ruins of his kind. He would combine his dagger, The phoenix, and his teaching to try to defeat the war party. He soon took a carved horn with a white phoenix carved on it. It was a very wonderful sound, like the birds were singing. Ashaedia looked at the horn and looked to Karadon, "What was that?" She asked, "You will see, I'll tell you for now, uh.....my friend and I, besides you, another phoenix rider like me, has another type of phoenix. We are different in a way that we are gods of the phoenix. i called him. I never had a real friend from MY kind because of the prophecy that made me a god. Me and him were friends because we were BOTH gods, just from different origins. I was fortunate to find you as a friend too." She then looked up as a screech made itself heard. "He's here," Karadon said as a bright bird landed. Karadon smiled, "Ashaedia, this is Turon"
Marthos descended from above on his dragon. He was carrying a large lance with ancient Dark Elf symbols on it that were written in gold. The lance itself was made of obsidian, but the end was a clear mineral sharpened to pierce through any armor and could be able to fell any mythical beast. What was that strange component? It changed colors once in a while, turning red, blue, green, black, orange and all colors imaginable. And then it would turn back into its shining white tip. A long blue strip of cloth was connected to the middle by a silver clasp and hung from the end of the lance by a gold clasp. Marthos motioned Ashaedia to come nearer.
"Ashaedia, this is Gradivus, an ancient lance that was said to used by King Malekith's ancestor, Aenarion. He wished that you use it." Marthos said. Ashaedia's eyes widened. Aenarion was a great Elf that saved his Elven lands from a large army of evil. Legends tell that when he lunged into the Flame of Asuryan to sacrifice himself and came back on the other side alive and untouched, he led an Elven army to defeat the evil army using this lance. He then became the first Phoenix King. Ashaedia grasped the lance.
"Father.... what's the tip made of?" Ashaedia asked, looking up at her father. He smiled.
"Ah, I knew you would ask that. It looks like diamond, no? But its more than diamond. Its stronger than diamond. The mineral that was crafted onto the tip is called Mercurius. It is the strongest and most rarest mineral on Earth. Nye, the whole universe! It has adamant, iron, gold, krypton, silver, obsidian, jade, sapphire, diamond, ruby, crystal, and all of the elements in one rock. Many thought Mercurius was a myth, but here it is in your hands now. Use it to destroy our enemies." Marthos said, putting a gloved hand on Ashaedia's shoulder. Ashaedia nodded and returned to the skies, ready to strike down the enemy with Karadon. Marthos turned to a commander behind him.
"Bring me the Hydra Horn." He commanded. The commander bowed and shouted a command at his men. They bowed also and extracted a dark blue war horn with a hydra carved into the surface. They handed it to Marthos, and he mounted his dragon and flew high into the air, and blew into the horn. It made the sound a dragon would make, but it sounded like a screech as if a dragon was calling for its friends to aid it. Then the approaching army stopped.
"What is it? Keep marching, you idiots!" King Mort shouted. And he stared into the distance too and coming towards Adair's army to assist Adair were ten huge, menacing, black hydras.
Karadon, Ashaedia, and Turon went to the skys each with a riding companian, secret dagger, and a powerful teaching. Karadon looked back at the raging Hydras rushing foward. "Karadon, what is King Mort planning to do?" Turon asked, "He is planning to remake and expand his territory." Ashaedia said,"I think it's time to show them our move.....AFTER these hydras wipe some out." Karadon said, "How long will these Hydras stay after you summon them?" Karadon asked, "10 minutes." Asheadia said, "Though that will be enough to wipe them out,"Ashaedia said, "And if not, we'll wipe them out," Turon and Karadon said.
Five minutes had passed and half of King Mort's army had been destroyed. The raging Hydras crashed and burned a black path and left destruction in their wake. King Mort, not willing to lose, raised his dirty green sword and pointed it at Karadon.
"So Adair's got a Phoenix Rider with him, eh? Well let's see that overgrown bird crash into the earth!" King Mort sneered. A dark bolt of energy blasted out of his sword, and made its way towards Karadon. Karadon didn't see the dark bolt, and it struck Mistral's feathery chest. Mistral gave a distressed lament and the black shock wave spread to Karadon. They both fell to the earth, stunned and vulnerable. Ashaedia looked down to see her fallen friend.
"Karadon!" She and Turon said together. They rode down to aid Karadon. Ashaedia held his head and whispered, "Please, do not die now! We need you!" Turon quickly healed Mistral and he lifted his feathery head and gazed down at his master. He gave a quiet shriek. Another dirty bolt struck Mistral and then another struck Turon. They fell and were stunned. Ashaedia looked up to see King Mort. He disgusted her. His cape was made out of the hide of an Amphithere and the rest of his clothes were made of Bray Road Beast fur. King Mort was about to strike Ashaedia when a dark figure appeared behind him. Ashnard, Ashaedia's faithful dragon, tackled King Mort. His sword skittered away.
"Rrgh! Get off you scaly bag of worthlessness!" King Mort struggled to say. Ashnero slashed at his chest and a long scarlet stripe of blood appeared. This was quite enough for Mort, and with all his strength he punched Ashnard's chin. He hissed and spat blue blood at Mort. Ashnard desperately tried to protect his mistress, but he got kicked aside and tumbled sideways. King Mort grabbed his sword and raised it.
"Let's see you as a petty ice sculpture, you hotheaded beast -"
"NO!" Ashaedia yelled, but it was too late. A bolt of ice-blue energy shot out of the sword and struck Ashnard. Ice crystals formed on his claws, and he panicked. He used his fire to melt the ice, but it didn't work. Ashnard gave a distressed roar and the Hydras bounded forward. King Mort slashed their ankles, and they turned to stone. The terrifying ice climbed Ashnard's chest.
"STOP IT! RELEASE HIM, PLEASE!" Ashaedia pleaded, but Mort just laughed at her. Tears poured out of her eyes as Ashnard gave his last roar, which Ashaedia knew he was saying goodbye to her. Finally, the ice covered his whole body. His heart stopped beating. His wings crystallized. Ashaedia hugged Karadon's limp head and wept into his hair. She had lost four friends. Mistral. Turon. Ashnard. Karadon. Was the pain ever going to stop? King Mort strutted forward.
"Hm... It seems you're left. While my forces are attacking your army, I get to finish of the Witch King's best friend. Oh, I would love to see the look on King Malekith's face when he sees your head on my sword." King Mort laughed. Anger bubbled up in Ashaedia. She looked up at him and rose.
"You will never destroy Ulthuan! My homeland, for we are strong! You won't take Karadon either! I know he's still alive and the others are too!" Ashaedia yelled. King Mort's face slid to a frown.
"Well then. We will see who will be the victor. Raise your sword." King Mort demanded. Ashaedia smiled.
"Oh, I won't be needing that." She said, and blue-white flames circled her. King Mort's eyes widened. What was happening!? The flames get more intense, and Ashaedia closed her eyes. King Mort extracted a horn from his belt and blew into it. The ground rumbled as more berserkers came riding towards Ashaedia on Bray Road Beasts. They raised their swords, axes, spears, and lances. Ashaedia's eyes opened slowly.
"Ena, hinitay yinaru kan..." Ashaedia whispered. Karadon, Mistral, and Turon awoke from their spell. Karadon stood up and stared at Ashaedia, who stared back. Her eyes reflected the blue flames.
"Karadon... take hold of my hand..." She said almost weakly. Karadon nodded and grasped her hand. A red and gold fire flared around him. Karadon gasped.
"Ashaedia... what is this?" He asked.
"This fire that surrounds us is called Aura. Aura is very rare. I have Chaos Aura, and you have Order Aura. Together, we can destroy Mort." Ashaedia explained. Karadon lifted his free hand and examined the flames that danced on his palm. They twisted with such grace.
"Concentrate! Mort's army is almost upon us! Think of powerful thoughts. Thoughts of pure victory!" Ashaedia urged. Karadon thought and found a very powerful thought. The thought was about him winning a medal of honor when he had defeated a titan that threatened his homeland. Ashaedia thoughts were about her first day with the newly hatched Ashnard. Though it didn't seem powerful, it was lethal enough to kill Mort.
"Karadon, give me your dagger." Ashaedia said. Karadon passed his ancient dagger to Ashaedia. She unsheathed her obsidian sword and placed the blade on her hand, holding the dagger underneath. Karadon gasped.
"Ashaedia! What are you doing?!" Karadon yelled.
"The blood of a Dawn Dragon Lord is needed to defeat Mort. So is the blood of a legendary Phoenix Rider." Ashaedia answered. Karadon's heart pumped. This was almost too creepy, but he knew it was the only way to stop Mort. Ashaedia slashed a vein on her hand and winced. Her blood, to Karadon's surprise, was bright blue with silvery strands of light. Ashaedia's blood trickled off of her hand and it landed on the ancient dagger. The blood shined silver on the blade, and it made a picture of a dragon. Ashaedia handed Karadon her sword. He nodded and lifted the black blade to his hand. Karadon cried out in pain as he slashed his vein. His blood was bright red with golden strands of light. His blood trickled onto the dagger and shined gold, and they formed a phoenix.
"Will this work?" Karadon asked.
"Yes, it will." Ashaedia said. Suddenly, the blood fused with Ashaedia's, and the dagger glowed green. It rose into the air and silver strands emitted from Ashaedia and Karadon's forehead. This, Karadon knew, were their thoughts. Ashaedia and Karadon's thoughts merged in a fiery ball of red and blue fire. It rose above their heads, and exploded. The battlefield was flooded with white light, and Ashaedia and Karadon fainted.
"Karadon... Karadon! Can you hear me?" Karadon opened his eyes and saw Turon standing over him. A large cut was on Turon's forehead. Karadon pushed himself up on his elbows and sighed.
"What happened?" He asked.
"There was a flash of white light and you and Ashaedia blacked out. All of the gorefersts and beserkers turned to dust or blew up. King Mort turned to dust and his sword, we had discovered was Excalibur! I wonder how he got it." Turon explained. Karadon looked at the bed next to him. Ashaedia laid there, breathing heavily.
"Is Ashaedia okay?" He asked.
"Something's up with her. Ever since we freed Ashnard from his icy prison, Ashaedia had been breathing like that and had been saying these weird words. Marthos, her father, thinks she's saying the indication for spells. Or possibly prayers," Turon said, looking at Ashaedia. "But I think she's ill. Probably because she thought Ashnard was dead." Karadon saw that she was glowing that strange blue fire. It circled her body and weaved in and out of the soft maroon blanket that covered her. There was a distant roar and Karadon knew that was Ashnard. Suddenly, a large scaly head burst through a window, but to Karadon's surprise and panic, the window rippled like a pond when the head entered. It was Ashnard's head! He leaned in further, rippling the windowpane more. He hurred when he saw Ashaedia, and his scales changed color. They turned blue and gold! How could that be?
Chapter Eleven: The Silence Is Broken
"Adair, may I talk to you?" Unaek said
"Yes, what is it" Adair replied
"I need to tell you about the prophecy" Unaek walked toward his war tent.
"What prophecy?" Adair followed
"Well, it is said that there is a secret land, a land faraway from here named Hasdiat, named after the lost god Hasdital"
"That's just a fairy tale, to occupy children minds and calm them"
"Hello? I'm a fairy. Well that land exists, Visil saw it with his own eyes, before, you know"
"He died"
"Shut up, and stop interrupting" Adair silenced "Well he could not enter it, surrounding the island were some sort of gates, gates from the prophecy, it is said on the island there are untold riches; riches that you can rule the world with , I believe ol' Mortie is after them. Well, prophecy says, exact words.
The fallen king shall rise with the darkness,
and see out to the keys of Hasdiat,
he shall see to it that demons he will harness,
only a hero, named the Hycoliat,
whose heart of gold, and eyes of steel,
shall save the day,
he will find the hear, sight, smell, taste and feel,
only and then kingdoms shall gay."
"So King Mort are using demons to make him powerful, and he wants to find the keys of Hasdiat, which are named after the five senses, and he shall succeed unless the Hycoliat, a hero, shall get this first, and then the kingdoms of good will be happy."
"That was only the first verse."
"Well, can I hear the rest."
"No, it is untranslatable from Harrshinn, the fairy language, to yours."
Karadon stood over Ashaedia and watched in awe as Ashnard strode silently through the window and wall. Something was up, Karadon thought. An illusion? Definately not. Ashnard hung his scaly face over Ashaedia's body, and touched her with his nose.
"What is he doing?" Turon said. Adair came in with Unaek, and almost screamed in surprise.
"What's he doing in here?!" Adair said. He marched towards Ashnard, but Karadon held him back.
"He's healing Ashaedia I think." Turon explained. Adair shook his head.
"Impossible. Dragons don't have healing properties or abilities." Adair countered. Karadon hmphed. Ashnard stood still for a moment, and suddenly golden threads of light erupted from his nose and went into Ashaedia. Karadon can see the golden light pulse underneath Ashaedia's blankets, and saw that they had stopped at her heart. Ashnard made a humming sound, and soon the humming became almost song-like. A beautiful melody echoed through the camp, and Karadon thought he heard words.
"I...I hear words. Could he be...?" Adair said. Yes, words were becoming known, but they were in another language. An ancient language.
"It.. It sounds like a language that I have studied before. It's called Galdr or Galdrar. When you say Galdr there's a sharp err and when you say Galdrar there's an arr, as in 'Argon', but enough with the grammer lesson. Galdr was the first language to ever be spoken. To hear it now is amazing." Karadon said. This is what he heard:
Ey imisanaki coog wagna na,
Oro o aco mordo da met ta twi cot,
Hmm yeh a fai ta ta te a wehmay,
O de, e ki la ma ne....
"Oh my gosh.... it is Galdr!" Karadon declared. The ancient song ended, and Ashnard and Ashaedia both shined with blinding white and gold light. The camp was flooded with the light, and it lingered for about five minutes. The light faded away, and where Ashnard stood was a teenage boy that was Karadon's height. He had dark blue hair that ran the length of his neck and royal blue eyes and peachy skin. He wore a long flowing black cloak with the hood on, but Karadon could sense a weapon under his cloak. A sword, he knew. The hilt was golden and diamond shaped with an emerald embedded in it. The handle was made of strong dark brown material, and the signature piece of the head of the hilt had two gold curving dull spikes and a ruby. The silver blade shined faintly with white light. Karadon looked down at the hem of the boy's cloak. It seemed to swirl about him in strange strands and sections of black wisps, like a foreboding fog. Karadon stepped forward, his hand on his ancient dagger.
"Who are you?" Karadon asked bravely. The peculiar person turned to stare at him, and Karadon noticed that his eyes almost looked... blank. Blind? Who knows.
"I asked you a question, who are you?" Karadon asked again. This time, his pupils became thin, like a snake's pupils. Karadon stepped back. The boy strode silently to the side of Ashaedia's bedside and knelt down. He pulled back his hood and touched Ashaedia's cheek with his hand. Karadon saw that his hand was covered by a long dark blue glove. His fingers fitted through holes and on his knuckles were holes. Blue straps held the glove on his arm tightly.
"This kid scares me." Unaek whispered. Unfortunately, the boy heard him. He turned his head towards Unaek's direction. His pupils were normal, but his eyes seemed misted, like he was about to cry. Something hissed from within his cloak. There was movement on his shoulders. The boy turned back to Ashaedia and closed his eyes. His hand burst into blue fire, but he didn't reel back in surprise.
"I hope he doesn't have a snake with him.... I hate snakes." Unaek said. The blue fire expanded, and seemed to get sucked into Ashaedia's forehead. The fire disappeared, and her eyes fluttered open.
Chapter Twleve: A New Ally
Ashaedia sat up and rubbed her forehead.
"Ugh... K-Karadon? Where are you?" Ashaedia said.
"I'm right here, Ashaedia!" Karadon shouted, and Ashaedia jumped.
"Please! Not loud! She recovering. Let her wake." The boy hissed. Karadon glared at him and knelt down at the opposite side of Ashaedia's bed.
"How do you feel?" Karadon asked.
"I feel fine. My vision is a little blurred, but - OH MY GOD! Marth!" Ashaedia yelled, and swung her arms around the boy's neck and embraced him. The boy called Marth smiled. Karadon stared at him in disgust. How could Ashaedia just glance at this person and hug him? Why was he a dragon? How did he know how to sing Galdr? This is what Karadon wanted to ask him, but Marth gave Karadon a dangerous stare that told Karadon not to ask questions now, but later. Ashaedia laughed happily as she let go of him.
"How are you? Where have you been? I haven't seen you in, like, ever!" Ashaedia said, a little smitten.
"I...I tell later. Meet friends." Marth said. Unaek and Adair stared almost awestruck at Marth.
"Oh, of course! Here, Adair, Unaek, this is Marth. He's a very close friend of mine." Ashaedia said, and Marth rose slowly. As he rose, his eyes were shut and they opened slowly when he fully stood. He walked towards Adair and Unaek and held out his hand. Adair shook his hand and then Unaek. But Unaek sensed something eerie about Marth, and was very reluctant to shake his hand. When Unaek looked up at Marth, he noticed his eyes were unblinking.
"Marth... are you...?" Unaek asked, but trailed off as he saw movement again on his shoulders.
"Blind." That single word escaped Marth's lips as a sibilant hiss. His blue blind eyes turned cold, and his pupils became slits once more.
"He doesn't like to be reminded of his terrible condition." Ashaedia said. Unaek backed away. Marth's eyes scared him. Something wasn't right about him. His blindness made Unaek pity him, but that hiss? Unheard of! It was as if he was a serpent, an angry serpent. That probably explained his pupils. Maybe he was bitten by one. Or cursed.
"Karadon, introduce yourself!" Ashaedia urged Karadon. He grunted and raised his hand for Marth to shake.
"Hi, my name is K-"
"I already know name." Marth interrupted. Karadon was astonished. And then he remembered that he was the so-called Ashnard. Of course he knew.
"It an honor to meet you, Sir Karadon. Your exploits sang throughout continent. Your stories reached people's ears." Marth complemented. Karadon smiled.
"Oh, why thank you." Kardaon said politely. He was kind of scared of Marth at first, but after actually meeting him was a pleasure. Karadon knew he would make a new and, possible strong, ally.
OMG there's an Epic Story Page THREE? Click this link to see it!