A Phooka (Also spelled as Puca, meaning, "
Ghost,") is an irish
goblin that fits under the vast category of The
Fae. Phookas are
shapeshifters, often taking the form of a
horse or
goat although they have also been known to appears as a
dog or bull. Phooks are prone tointra-species violence and are known for being vicious pranksters. though Phookas never enter human homes theirwelsh counterparts the Bookas are notorious kidnappers who break into the house Santa Clause style. Phookas also take pleasure in destroying crops, it's said any crops left unharvested on Samhain will then belong to the phookas any effort to cut the crops afterward will be rewarded with dead cattle. they are also thought to hibernate during the year between Beltane and Samhain.
Other names for the Phooka include: Booka (as mentioned above), Bwc, and Kornbock.