Psionic Vampires, are also known as energy vampires as depicted here, are vampires who drink the souls of mortals. Both male and female, they are very rare. Found all across the world, they drink by placing their mouth on or near the victim's and inhale. They have all the qualities of a normal vampire though of course lacking the blood drinking factor. According to legend, they can drink the entire soul of one person in one go, or they can take small amounts of life force over time, though most choose the former option. It is said that only some ancient talismans, such as the Egyptian Ankh (symbol of life, death, immortality, and resurrection) can protect mortals and faith in those are shaky. Unlike being bitten by a blood vampire, it's often hard to tell how the victim died, as they have no bite marks. However it's often said that if a psychic searches their last brain waves, they can detect terror, horror, fear, etc, but no memories.
The Dresden Files: There's 3 main types of vampires referred to as Courts. The White Court is the Psyonic vampire which feed off the psych energy of their victims. There's 3 sub-sects of the white court which are the houses. Each house feeds off a different type of energy. The one most commonly talked about in the series feeds off the emotions that occur during sex, hence forth are often referred to as succubus or succubi (males). As for origin, the white court vampires are born like normal humans. In the succubus house one does not become a vampire until after their first sexual experience. However, if their first time is with someone they truly love, then they will remain human the rest of their lives. If not then there first partner usually ends up dead as the vampire loses control during the awaken process. Even a touching glance of skin to skin contact with someone who truly loved the last person they were with causes sever pain and burns to these vampire.
Their extremities are very cold and they choose their victims by the amount of energy they have and by their energetic strength. They only have to touch them and start pulling the warmth (warmth=energy) in themselves