The Werewolf: a brief description Webster's 20th Century Dictionary defines a Werewolf thusly: "(In folklore), a person changed into a wolf, or one capable of assuming the form of a wolf at will." This is a fairly good definition considering the current scientific dogma. But for our purposes, I need to give a clearer, more accurate definition. So for this book we will define a Werewolf as: A person who has regressed, by force of will and desire, to a feral or wolflike state, both physically and mentally.Let me expand in detail:"A person who has regressed, by force of will and desire, to a feral or wolflike state.”: By this I mean a person who has temporarily cast off the societal chains that repress the id (In psychoanalysis the "id" is the part of the psyche responsible for basic animal instincts.). I say regression, because the “higher” or “civilized” mind takes a secondary position in the consciousness. Will is a great factor in the transformation, it takes a profound force of will to transform. Yet this is a worthwhile task for the magician, as the animal state is desirable on occasion, because of its liberating and stress purging effects. The word feral refers to a wild or untamed state. Indeed you are quite wild while in this state, which is why certain precautions must be taken (Which will be explained in a later chapter.) The wolf is the archetype of all that is wild and untamed. Yet it remains a noble and beautiful creature.
Of course if you identify more with another animal, you can choose that one instead."Both physically and mentally.”: The transformation first takes place as a subjective shift in the consciousness of the person, but then proceeds to manifest itself in more physiological ways. This is not to say that you will grow fur and fangs, but rather that your body will act in a manner that is different from its natural state. Now that I have explained what a werewolf is, let's explore why we would wish to achieve this state.Why the Werewolf? As you all know, the Werewolf is a fascinating and prevalent "myth". Stories of the Werewolf can be found around the world. This powerful creature seems to be rivaled in popularity only by the Vampire. There are several reasons for this prevalence, but I feel that the basic scientific/sociological reasons are the most fascinating. Inside man's brain there are certain tissue masses that control his primal desires; hunger, sex, etc. These parts appear to have been added onto in the process of evolution. That is to say that at one point these were "front seat" functions, that dominated our entire being. As man evolved and grew more complex, these functions began to take a "backseat" position. Of course we continue to need food, sex, etc., but in our highly technological society these are viewed as being of secondary importance to say, running a computer (Except for eating, which is viewed as necessary to maintain health and energy, so that you can run the computer!). Now we are in a worldwide state where our primal instincts are being repressed (by major religions) and ignored (by technology). But the instinct is still there, never dying, just hidden. I am not saying that you should drop on all fours, abandon higher reasoning and run wildly into the forest, I'm just saying that we must appreciate the entire being, including the animal within.
This appreciation can be accomplished through lycanthropic metamorphosis. It's easy to see why achieving the animal state from time to time can be both liberating and fun. Just as long as we don't let it dominate our being. It is only one small part of the entire psyche, and to neglect the other parts would just put us back into the situation we're trying to avoid.The Power of Lycanthropy So now that we know what Lycanthropy is and why it is a desirable state, let us explore what we can expect from the experience of metamorphosis. Here is a list of some of the powers that you may experience while in a state of lycanthropy. The experience will be different for everyone, but here are some of the more common experiences.Augmented Senses: While in this state, one usually finds that every physical sense is enhanced. The colors are more vivid. The sounds are sharper and clearer. You can detect scents that you couldn't while in human form. Taste is richer (both good and bad). Your skin becomes highly sensitive to stimulus.Increased Physical Prowess: While in this state, one usually finds that they have increased agility and strength. A Brief Warning Lycanthropy can be dangerous if misused. So I will now outline the conditions under which the transformation must take place to insure its proper use.1) Never use lycanthropy while angry, unless you are in a safe uninhabited environment. Doing this could cause a violent reaction, which will just make the situation worse.2) Only use lycanthropy around people who you trust, and fully understand what you are doing. However it is best that you use it alone, as this better facilitates uninhibited release.3) Only use lycanthropy in a proper environment, such as your own property, away from prying eyes. This better facilitates the transformation, and will help keep police calls about "wild animals roaming the neighborhood", down to a dull roar.4) Do not let lycanthropy dominate your life. Obsession is a possibility, so you must, from time to time, examine yourself from the standpoint of an objective observer. Treat lycanthropy as something special, and don't over do it.If you follow these guidelines you should be all right. This is an enjoyable experience, but caution must be taken. Once again I must repeat: Neither the publisher nor I will take any responsibility for the use or misuse of the theories and practices contained herein, or the misinterpretation of the same.
(Additional info. Warning. Content may be edited for.. Safety reasons. There will be parts possibly missing.)
How it happens. Anatomically/scientifically..
A pureblood is a lycanthrope who was born with the condition. The pureblood does not experience his first Moon until puberty. Even though he is called a pureblood, both of his parents cannot be lycanthropes. The pureblood is almost always born of a lycanthrope father and a non-lycanthrope mother. The female lycanthrope cannot carry a child, simply because a fetus cannot survive the mother’s twenty-seven transformations during pregnancy. Rarely does it survive even one transformation. The only way for a baby to be conceived from two lyc parents is if the father and mother use in vitro fertilization to fertilize her egg with the father’s sperm, and the fertilized egg is then implanted into the uterus of a non-lycanthrope surrogate mother.
DON’T BELIEVE IT! A lycanthrope baby born on a Moon will not be born in its werewolf state, and the OB-GYN will not find himself holding a growling, writhing baby wolf-child. Mothers of lyc babies shudder to imagine the damage that could be done by the child’s claws and fangs during delivery. DON’T BELIEVE IT! Pureblood lycanthropes do not experience their first werewolf transformation until puberty. Your lycanthrope child will look no less human than every other baby in the maternity ward.
There is a direct relationship between a pubescent child’s hormonal changes and the onset of his monthly transformations. At the age when the typical pubescent child’s pituitary gland releases gonadotropins (luteinizing hormones, or “LH,” and follicle-stimulating hormones, or “FSH”) into the bloodstream, the pituitary gland releases an additional hormone, lycantropin. While the gonadotropins trigger the testes and ovaries to begin production of testosterone and estrogen, lycantropin acts upon the thyroid gland to begin a cyclical glandular process in the body, which sets into motion his or her monthly transformation cycle. It would appear that the wait until puberty is an evolutionary mechanism, preventing pureblood lycanthropes from having their first Moon before the body is developed enough to survive the transformation. Just as a young girl experiences a widening of the hips as she enters her childbearing years, developing the frame necessary to carry a child to term, prepubescent lycanthropes have to develop the bone and tissue structure that can endure the violent breakdown and rebuilding of these structures during a Moon.