can anyone help me find information concerning kinnaras?
Nov 17 2013, 12:06 PM EST by
Recruiting New Role-Players
The Epic Story was a small roleplaying page started by a few Mythical Creatures and Beasts Guide members (most active members were: vampirejediknight, TheDragonLover, and DEMONPITT). It had grown over a period of time to have Four pages, but the role
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Jun 5 2013, 12:14 PM EDT by
Hippalektryon (Hippalectryon)
The hippalektryon is an obscure chimerical creature from Greek Mythology, combining the front end of a horse with the back end of a chicken (rooster for males). Although not much is known about these creatures (their mythology having been obscured
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Apr 23 2017, 2:35 AM EDT by
A roc or rukh (from Persian رخ rokh , asserted by Louis Charles Casartelli to be an abbreviated form of Persian( simurgh ) is an enormous legendary bird of prey , often white, reputed to have been able to carry off and eat elephant
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Sep 23 2011, 12:38 PM EDT by
Mythology in Literature
Mythology can be found in many different forms of literature. Although the most reliable information lies in works done from long ago, writers of today still manage to capture the mystery and magic that is mythology. While movies can impress the
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Jun 6 2013, 3:06 PM EDT by