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  • Pardon me? Now I don't know about anyone else but this is just awful.
    First off, I can guarantee with one hundred pwrcent certainty that the SCP Foundation would not give away anything, especially not to a corporation, and not for something trivial like stocks. The Foundation has funding from almost every government on Earth. Umbrella has nothing to offer them.
    Second, while I like the idea of this company changing names to avoid detection, don't you think people would be a little suspicious of the name?
    And third, a Mobile Task Force has been dispatched to your position.
    Thread location: Blackwater
    Keyword tags: BlackwaterGenentechGenetechGovernmentMedicalnewOfficialoldrareRealResident EvilUmbrella 
    Posted: Nov 27 2016, 4:09 AM EST by BridgeSalesman
  • Any other hunters? First off, hello. I'm a bit new to the site.

    Secondly, I was wondering if there are any hunters still active on this site? I found a few old posts on here while looking at Google, along with a hunter's website which seems to have died.
    Thread location: null
    Keyword tags: greetingshunterhuntersnewrecruiting 
    Posted: Apr 1 2014, 7:06 PM EDT by Yazkin
  • the acheint scripture of removel hello i was wondering if anyone here has heard or knows of the coven of witches who have claimed to have found the spell of removel that can remove ones power
    and by the way if you wish to say that it isnt achient you are wrong becuase no spell exsept this once can fully remove ones power- from shadow
    Thread location: Blackwater
    Keyword tags: ancientbooksmyhticalnewoldrare 
    Posted: Apr 12 2013, 7:17 AM EDT by Anonymous
  • It's not Mexican natives...retard It's not Mexican natives, It's Native American or American Indian
    Thread location: Blackwater
    Keyword tags: ancientbooksmyhticalnewoldrare 
    Posted: Mar 7 2013, 4:18 PM EST by GhostApache44
  • ancient magic book of spells or any book that works I need to find a book of spells either ancient or any new books that a mortal can use to become a witch. If it helps I have pure purepechan blood. From ancient mexican indians related to kurikaweri. Any information will help. I need your help please any real magic spell book that works with mortals will help. Thanks.
    Thread location: Blackwater
    Keyword tags: ancientbooksmyhticalnewoldrare 
    Posted: Feb 21 2013, 6:03 PM EST by mythicalmaya
  • Blackwater Umbrella started in 1933 under the name Genetech . It was founded by Clarissa Belle- the leading scientist in her day, though she was young at the time, her advances into genetic research and the gene splicing of humans and non-humans was superb. Fo
    Keyword tags: BlackwaterGenentechGenetechGovernmentMedicalnewOfficialoldrareRealResident EvilUmbrella 
    Last updated: Aug 22 2013, 6:30 PM EDT by goddessofthepoke
  • I've actually seen one Hi. I've seen a kapre once in my life. I distinctly remembered that I have just moved to the Philippines, me coming from America that is. So when I was walking in some park a few years back, I remember me smelling smoke. So I decided to see where it was coming from. I followed the stench of that horrible tobacco smell. I looked up to this huge acacia tree and that's where I saw it. That monster had really brown skin and long curly hair. A beard too. It was really similar to the one in the picture above. So what I did was run away from that tree.
    Thread location: Agta or Kapre
    Keyword tags: AmericaKapeNewSeen 
    Posted: Sep 4 2011, 12:55 AM EDT by Anonymous
  • Figuring out life...again This is for all the people out there who think (or know) that they're...different than everyone else. I'm one of you and we're not alone.
    Thread location: null
    Keyword tags: confusedNewnot alone 
    Posted: Mar 19 2011, 7:33 AM EDT by LunarMaiden13
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