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![]() freedragon10022 |
Aug 13 2009, 11:36 AM EDT
"life is grand when Im around such beautiful ladies... :D"*Mutters in low voice* suck up. *Normal voice* But you are right Nose. 0 out of 1 found this valuable. Do you? |
![]() freedragon10022 |
Aug 13 2009, 11:37 AM EDT
I think I am selectively pessimistic and optimistic.=P
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SupBigNose |
Aug 13 2009, 2:31 PM EDT
"usually....Unless me or Nose enter to make them worse....."I dont make them worse... I just make them less better... Do you find this valuable? |
SupBigNose |
Aug 13 2009, 2:32 PM EDT
Only reason Im a bit of a pessimist is cos people around me suck!!! except you guys... you are all awsome! (besides Dragon :P)
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Mystic-Apotamkin |
Aug 13 2009, 5:21 PM EDT
*Points dramatically at Nose*..... I am not the only one who insults D.... It's usually me.. but it wasn't me... this time!
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![]() freedragon10022 |
Aug 13 2009, 6:37 PM EDT
"Only reason Im a bit of a pessimist is cos people around me suck!!! except you guys... you are all awsome! (besides Dragon :P)"Touche. Nice. You don't get cheese cake now. Do you find this valuable? |
![]() freedragon10022 |
Aug 13 2009, 6:38 PM EDT
"*Points dramatically at Nose*..... I am not the only one who insults D.... It's usually me.. but it wasn't me... this time! "I noticed. Thus I shall make nose regret it. Do you find this valuable? |
Mystic-Apotamkin |
Aug 14 2009, 2:24 AM EDT
So.... the pressure is off me now?
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![]() freedragon10022 |
![]() freedragon10022 |
Aug 14 2009, 7:41 AM EDT
| Post edited: Aug 14 2009, 7:42 AM EDT
Now I will retourn to the list. AHEM:Continuation of D's..... Draugr (Norse) - Undead Drekavac (Slavic) - Restless ghost of an unbaptised child Drow (Scottish) - Cavern spirit Drude (German) - Possessing demon Druk (Bhutanese) - Thunder Dragon of Bhutanese mythology and a Bhutanese national symbol. Dryad (Greek) - Tree nymph Duende (Spanish) - Little people and forest spirits Duergar (English) - Malevolent little people Dullahan (Irish) - Headless death spirit Duwende (Philippine) - Little people, some are house spirits, others nature spirits Dvergr (Norse) - Subterranean little people smiths Dvorovoi (Slavic) - Courtyard spirit Dwarf (Germanic) - Little people nature spirits Dybbuk (Jewish) - A spirit (sometimes the soul of a wicked deceased) that possesses the living. Dzee-dzee-bon-da (Abenaki) - Hideous monster Dzunukwa (Kwakwaka'wakw) - Child-eating hag End of D's Start of E's Each Uisge (Scottish) - Malevolent water horse Eachy (English and Scottish) - Humanoid lake monster Eagle Spirit (Many cultures worldwide) - Leadership or guidance totem Ebu Gogo (Flores) - Diminutive humanoids, possibly inspired by Homo floresiensis Echeneis (Medieval Bestiaries) - Remora, said to attach to ships to slow them down Edimmu (Sumerian) - Ghosts of those not buried properly Egbere (Yoruba) - Humanoid that carries a magical mat Einherjar (Norse) - Spirits of brave warriors Ekek (Philippine) - Flesh-eating, winged humanoids Elbow Witch (Ojibwa) - Hags with awls in their elbows Eldjötnar (Norse) - Fire giant Eleionomae (Greek) - Marsh nymph 2 out of 2 found this valuable. Do you? |
SupBigNose |
Aug 14 2009, 8:32 AM EDT
*Eating Cheesecake delightfully* Don't worry D I have my own stash... and this is space cake... mmmm...
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![]() freedragon10022 |
Aug 14 2009, 11:40 AM EDT
thats the poisoned one...not deadly though....
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![]() Dous777 |
Aug 14 2009, 1:57 PM EDT
"So.... the pressure is off me now?":O She twying to get away with it. Awwww! Do you find this valuable? |
![]() freedragon10022 |
Aug 14 2009, 6:25 PM EDT
Continuing with the E's:Elemental (Alchemy) - Personification of one of the Classical elements ‘Elepaio (Hawaiian) - Monarch flycatcher spirit that guides canoe-builders to the proper trees Elf (Germanic) - Nature and fertility spirit Eloko (Central Africa) - Little people and malevolent nature spirits Emela-ntouka (Central Africa) - Gigantic, elephant-killing beast Emere (Yoruba) - Child that can move back and forth between the material world and the afterlife at will Emim (Jewish) - Giant Empusa (Greek) - Female demon that waylays travelers and seduces and kills men Encantado (Brazilian) - Dolphin-human shapeshifter Enchanted Moor (Portuguese) - Enchanted princesses Enfield (Heraldic) - Fox-greyhound-lion-wolf-eagle hybrid Enkō (Japanese) - Kappa of Shikoku and western Honshū Epimeliad (Greek) - Apple tree nymph Er Gui (Chinese) - Hungry ghost Erlking (Germanic) - Death spirit Erymanthian Boar (Greek) - Giant boar Ethiopian Pegasus (Medieval Bestiaries) - Two-horned, winged horse Ettin (English) - Three-headed giant Eurynomos (Greek) - Blue-black, carrion-eater in the underworld Ežerinis (Lithuanian) - Lake spirit End of E's Start of F's Fachen (Irish and Scottish) - Monster with half a body Fæcce (English) - Old English Animal protection spirit Fairy (Many cultures worldwide) - Nature spirits Familiar (English) - Animal servant Far darrig (Irish) - Little people that constantly play pranks Faun (Roman) - Human-goat hybrid nature spirit Fear gorta (Irish) - Hunger ghost 3 out of 3 found this valuable. Do you? |
![]() freedragon10022 |
Aug 14 2009, 6:29 PM EDT
| Post edited: Aug 14 2009, 6:31 PM EDT
Continuing the F's:Feathered Serpent/Dragon with bird wings (deity) - Mesoamerican dragon Fenghuang (Chinese) - Rooster-swallow-fowl-snake-goose-tortoise-stag-fish hybrid Fenodyree (Manx) - House spirit Fenris (Norse) - Gigantic, ravenous wolf Fext (Slavic) - Undead Finfolk (Orkney) - Fish-human hybrid that kidnaps humans for servants Fir Bolg (Irish) - Ancestral race Fire Bird (Many cultures worldwide) - Regenerative, solar bird Firedrake (Germanic) - Dragon Fish-man (Cantabrian) - Amphibious, scaled humanoid Fomorian (Irish) - Goat-headed giant Forest Bull (Medieval Bestiaries) - Giant, red cattle with swiveling horns Freybug - Norfolk black dog Fuath (Celtic) - Malevolent water spirit Fucanglong (Chinese) - Underworld dragon Funayūrei (Japanese) - Ghosts of people who drowned at sea Futakuchi-onna (Japanese) - Woman with a second mouth on the back of her head Fylgja (Scandinavian) - Animal familiar End of F's Start of G's: Gaasyendietha (Seneca) - according to Seneca mythology, is a dragon that dwells in the deep areas of rivers and lakes of Canada, especially Lake Ontario. This dragon could fly on a trail of fire, and it could also spew fire. It must live in the deepest lakes and rivers because if it spends too much time out, its sparks could set the world on fire. Gagana (Russian) - Bird with iron beak and copper talons Gaki (Japanese) - Ghosts of especially greedy people Gallu (Mesopotamian) - Underworld demons Galtzagorriak (Basque) - Diminutive, demonic servants Gamayun (Russian) - Prophetic bird with human head Gana (Hindu) - Attendants of Shiva 2 out of 2 found this valuable. Do you? |
![]() freedragon10022 |
Aug 14 2009, 6:31 PM EDT
| Post edited: Aug 14 2009, 6:32 PM EDT
Continuation of G's:Gancanagh (Irish) - Male fairy that seduces human women Gandaberunda (Hindu) - Double-headed bird Gandharva (Hindu) - Male nature spirits, often depicted as part human, part animal Gargouille (French) -not to be confused with gargoyle, was allegedly a serpentlike water-spouting dragon that appeared in the Seine River in France. Garmr (Norse) - Giant, ravenous wolf Garuda (Hindu) - Human-eagle hybrid Gaueko (Basque) - Wolf capable of walking upright Ged (Heraldic) - The fish pike Gegenees (Greek) - Six-armed giant Genie (Arabian) - Elemental spirit Genius loci (Roman) - Spirit that protects a specific place German (Slavic) - Male spirit associated with bringing rain and hail Geryon (Greek) - Giant with three heads, six arms, three torsos and (in some sources) six legs Ghillie Dhu (Scottish) - Tree guardian Ghost - Disembodied spirits, specifically of those that have died Ghoul (Arabian) - Earth genie. Also a shapeshifting desert anthropophagus Giant (mythology) Giant animal (mythology) Gichi-anami'e-bizhiw (Ojibwa) - Bison-snake-bird-cougar hybrid and water spirit Gidim (Sumerian) - Ghost Gigantes (Greek) - Race of giants that fought the Olympian gods, sometimes depicted with snake-legs Gigelorum (Scottish) - Smallest animal Girtablilu (Akkadian) - Human-scorpion hybrid Gjenganger (Scandinavian) - Corporeal ghost Glaistig (Scottish) - Human-goat hybrid Glashtyn (Manx) - Malevolent water horse Gnome (Alchemy) - Diminutive Earth elemental Goblin (Medieval) - Grotesque, mischievous little people Gog (English) - Giant protector of London 3 out of 3 found this valuable. Do you? |
![]() freedragon10022 |
Aug 14 2009, 6:33 PM EDT
| Post edited: Aug 14 2009, 6:34 PM EDT
Part 3 of the G's:Gold-digging ant (Medieval Bestiaries) - Dog-sized ant that digs for gold in sandy areas Golem (Jewish) - Animated construct Gorgades (Medieval Bestiary) - Hairy humanoid Gorgon (Greek) - Fanged, snake-haired humanoids that turn anyone who sees them into stone Goryō (Japanese) - Vengeful ghosts, usually of martyrs Gremlin (Folklore) - Goblins that sabotage airplanes Griffin (Heraldic) - Lion-eagle hybrid Grigori (Christian) - Fallen angels Grim (English and Scandinavian) - Tutelary spirits of churches Grindylow (English) - Malevolent water spirit Grine (Moroccan) - Genie duplicate of a person. Lives in a parallel world Gualichu (Mapuche) - Malevolent spirit Gud-elim (Akkadian) - Human-bull hybrid Guhin (Japanese) - Anthropomorphic bird Gui Po (Chinese) - Ghost that manifests as an old woman Gui Shu (Chinese) - Ghostly tree that confuses travelers by moving Gulon (Germanic) - Gluttonous dog-cat-fox hybrid Gumiho (Korean mythology)- A demon fox with thousands of tails. Believed to possess an army of spirits and magic in its tails. Gwyllgi (Welsh) - black dog Gwyllion (Welsh) - Malevolent spirit Gyascutus (American folklore) - Four-legged herbivore Gytrash (Lincolnshire and Yorkshire) - black dog Gyūki (Japanese) - Bull-headed monster End of G's: And now I must le stop before my fingers fall off. 3 out of 3 found this valuable. Do you? |
![]() freedragon10022 |
Aug 14 2009, 7:05 PM EDT
you will notice I have added a few dragons to the list, as well as a few other creatures... i MUST add their histories though......
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![]() Dous777 |
Aug 14 2009, 10:41 PM EDT
In the list I must argue about Ajatar and Gargouille.Ajatar seems more a demon that prefers the dragon form and there is no specific mention of the Gargouille being a dragon par se, just terrifying like one. Also I cannot find a mention for the Elux Lucis so I'm going to be waiting on that one. Do you find this valuable? |
SupBigNose |
Aug 15 2009, 5:31 AM EDT
its not poisoned... its MY secret stash... am I daft enough to poison my own stash? I am... but that's besides the point...
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