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![]() mythicalmaya |
ancient magic book of spells or any book that works
Feb 21 2013, 6:03 PM EST
I need to find a book of spells either ancient or any new books that a mortal can use to become a witch. If it helps I have pure purepechan blood. From ancient mexican indians related to kurikaweri. Any information will help. I need your help please any real magic spell book that works with mortals will help. Thanks.
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1. RE: ancient magic book of spells or any book that works
Mar 5 2013, 6:25 AM EST
I'm not really sure why you want to "be a witch" unless it's just for status and you believe it will give you "power"? First, it's Mexican Natives, not "indians" as "indians" was the incorrect naming of the Native Americans by Christopher Columbus that our ****** country has never changed from and continued to feed the ignorance on that naming. Second, if you want to "be a witch", you might look into actual traditional witchcraft and research the religion of Wicca. Pick up some books by Scott Cunningham ("Book of Shadows" and "Wicca: A Guide to the Solitary Practitioner") or "Wicca: The Complete Craft" by D.J. Conway can lead you to the REAL LIFE witchcraft far from actually being able to cast spells like you see in fantasy novels and games. You do not have to have special "roots" to be able to perform rituals and cast spells. However, it's probably far from what you're imagining, so hopefully you'll do your research with those books (or maybe, ya know, Googling real witchcraft) and be led in the right direction. 3 out of 4 found this valuable. Do you? |