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40. RE: Humility and Healing
Mar 22 2014, 1:28 AM EDT | Post edited: Mar 22 2014, 1:28 AM EDT

Brightest nights,
Darkest days,
Haunting silence,
Peaceful noise,
Restful death,
Painful sleep,
Open your eyes,
See what I see,
Be as I am,
Once I have found you,
You well never be lost,
Run if you may,
But I will hold you at bay,
No shadow will hide you,
Forever I will be beside you,
I may guide you,
I may protect you,
I will never forget you,
Regrets you will have,
Of the choices you made,
I am forever to be obeyed.

By roan
alone I weep tonight.. for my people sleep tonight..... alone I wait the morning.... for my people will never see the sun again.... alone I work the feilds... for my neighbor's tools are will never be worn out.... alone I walk this road.... for my people walked another path.... alone I seek hope... for my people's eyes only show betrayal.... alone I will live... because my people have shed away from the light......but I will not be alone forever, for you see, the hangmen are already resetting the lever. (don't ask me what it means,I got o clue)
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41. RE: Humility and Healing
Mar 24 2014, 12:41 PM EDT | Post edited: Mar 24 2014, 12:41 PM EDT
"alone I weep tonight.. for my people sleep tonight..... alone I wait the morning.... for my people will never see the sun again.... alone I work the feilds... for my neighbor's tools are will never be worn out.... alone I walk this road.... for my people walked another path.... alone I seek hope... for my people's eyes only show betrayal.... alone I will live... because my people have shed away from the light......but I will not be alone forever, for you see, the hangmen are already resetting the lever. (don't ask me what it means,I got o clue)"
dam your good
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42. Uknown Life
Mar 25 2014, 1:30 AM EDT | Post edited: Mar 25 2014, 1:30 AM EDT
I stand here sadden by my difficult, yet interesting past.
I remember my actions, my nonactions, my mistakes, and my choices.
I stand here pondering those choices that have come to pass
I remember all the lies, all the love, the guilt, pain as if they were poses.
I stand in a puddle of my own tears, my mistakes make me a sass
I am reminded of my troubles, the trust, and others choices.
I stand before death several times, yet it leaves me a task.
I live another day, though unknown by me, but known by the Voices
I stand alone, but many want me as if I am rare brass
I run, I fight, I am weary, always waiting for a crisis
I am saddened by everything I have seen, everything I've outlast
I seem to be- no it couldn't be... am I voiceless?
I am gladden to survive all the attacks
I am wiser, stronger, better, smarter, more skilled, more helpful
I am someone, I am me, though there are still lessons, like being humble
I hope one day I will rise and my mind be stable.
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43. RE: Uknown Life
Mar 25 2014, 6:37 AM EDT | Post edited: Mar 25 2014, 6:37 AM EDT
"I stand here sadden by my difficult, yet interesting past.
I remember my actions, my nonactions, my mistakes, and my choices.
I stand here pondering those choices that have come to pass
I remember all the lies, all the love, the guilt, pain as if they were poses.
I stand in a puddle of my own tears, my mistakes make me a sass
I am reminded of my troubles, the trust, and others choices.
I stand before death several times, yet it leaves me a task.
I live another day, though unknown by me, but known by the Voices
I stand alone, but many want me as if I am rare brass
I run, I fight, I am weary, always waiting for a crisis
I am saddened by everything I have seen, everything I've outlast
I seem to be- no it couldn't be... am I voiceless?
I am gladden to survive all the attacks
I am wiser, stronger, better, smarter, more skilled, more helpful
I am someone, I am me, though there are still lessons, like being humble
I hope one day I will rise and my mind be stable."
Les.... You break my heart, sometimes.
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44. RE: Uknown Life
Mar 25 2014, 6:27 PM EDT | Post edited: Mar 25 2014, 6:27 PM EDT
you are so talented. Do you find this valuable?    

45. RE: Uknown Life
Mar 25 2014, 6:46 PM EDT | Post edited: Mar 25 2014, 6:46 PM EDT
"Les.... You break my heart, sometimes."
0_0 sorry grim

and thank you shooting star
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46. RE: Uknown Life
Mar 25 2014, 7:09 PM EDT | Post edited: Mar 25 2014, 7:09 PM EDT
A broken heart

In the night I cry alone,
I go to the darkness,
Hopeful that it would heal me,
But all it did was hide me,
In it I saw the truths,
Of what I was thought out to be,
Now in the day I hide me face in shame,
Accused of a false life,
I am the little girl in the corner,
The no one cares about,
Maybe I should end it all,
Maybe then, just maybe,
I mite smile again,
Or even laugh,
It just mite make someone happy,
That I am gone,
Never heard nor seen again,
The pain I live in,
Grows deep within me,
And I thought that love could help me,
But it did not,
The only thing that will save me,
Is to kill me.

By. roan
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47. RE: Uknown Life
Mar 25 2014, 10:03 PM EDT | Post edited: Mar 25 2014, 10:03 PM EDT
"I stand here sadden by my difficult, yet interesting past.
I remember my actions, my nonactions, my mistakes, and my choices.
I stand here pondering those choices that have come to pass
I remember all the lies, all the love, the guilt, pain as if they were poses.
I stand in a puddle of my own tears, my mistakes make me a sass
I am reminded of my troubles, the trust, and others choices.
I stand before death several times, yet it leaves me a task.
I live another day, though unknown by me, but known by the Voices
I stand alone, but many want me as if I am rare brass
I run, I fight, I am weary, always waiting for a crisis
I am saddened by everything I have seen, everything I've outlast
I seem to be- no it couldn't be... am I voiceless?
I am gladden to survive all the attacks
I am wiser, stronger, better, smarter, more skilled, more helpful
I am someone, I am me, though there are still lessons, like being humble
I hope one day I will rise and my mind be stable."
day by day, I try... I look into the eyes of those around me and I attempt to learn to help them, I try to see their issues and solve them, I try to take their pain so they may once again raise their backs straight and look happily into the clouds....... but by night I see my failures... I see my fears... they come for me, doesn't anyone see that as I run as I hide that I can never out run the pains of my path?.... for as I grow older, though I'm not balding... though I am not backed into a corner... this pain, the pain of carrying for other will one day kill me... and on that day, who will carry for them so that they may keep their heads in the clouds and their lives in the stars?for that is one reason why I live, for on that day, there will be nobody to say " what is bothering you today? are you okay?" for a dead man's shoulder's does not carry the wait of those yet living... no matter how hard the dead may try to ease the burden's of the living
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48. RE: Uknown Life
Mar 26 2014, 6:52 PM EDT | Post edited: Mar 26 2014, 6:52 PM EDT
i am liveing and growing on a thread.
day by day the thread brakes away,
soon it will snap, and i will fall,
noting can save me,
to my death shall i fall.
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49. RE: Uknown Life
Mar 26 2014, 9:07 PM EDT | Post edited: Mar 26 2014, 9:07 PM EDT
as the life passes from my eyes... I regret that which I never saw, that I never learned, the pain of those friends not met... but I bet you, as my life passes, that mine was at least a life that doesn't strain or scream in pain as it passes... and as my spirit detaches from my lifeless eyes, my life passing tells no lies, my life was good but not the best.... but I had nothing to get off of my chest, so my eyes will pass to white with no resistance Do you find this valuable?    

50. The Unknown Self
Mar 27 2014, 4:54 PM EDT | Post edited: Mar 27 2014, 4:55 PM EDT
I am the warrior with the beast inside.
I am the shifter, choosing many forms
I am the slayer of demons,
The mistress of dragons,
I am the Darkness and the Light
I stalk my prey, I bring justice, I loath evil ways.
I refuse any path but my own, it has brought me mistakes before
I am the Traveler, The arrogant, the weak, the wise, the strong, the smart
But what I wish to be will remain my secret.
For all my secrets have been given away,
All my trusts have been broken
I stand alone for a reason.
I have hurt too many, I have been broken
I have healed as a bone has healed
I am stronger, my soul is now stronger.
I a quartz stand by a diamond.
I may never be the strongest, but now I know I am not the weakest.
This writing does not come from pride
But to serve as a warning, and my final warning.
I will rise above others, I will not be stopped.
What I wish for burns in me.
You may drag me down, I will simply kick you out of the way.
I wish no harm onto others, but I will escape all of your traps.
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51. RE: The Unknown Self
Mar 28 2014, 2:02 AM EDT | Post edited: Mar 28 2014, 2:02 AM EDT
Lesionia, Alula, you guys always put down good poems.... but I can't help but laugh that how we respond to someone else is we put another poem Do you find this valuable?    

52. RE: The Unknown Self
Mar 28 2014, 2:19 PM EDT | Post edited: Mar 28 2014, 2:19 PM EDT
ikr? its almost seems like a contest. lol Do you find this valuable?    

53. RE: The Unknown Self
Mar 28 2014, 2:26 PM EDT | Post edited: Mar 28 2014, 2:26 PM EDT
"ikr? its almost seems like a contest. lol"
Roses are red, Violets are Blue. I look like a Monkey, and I smell like one too.

there's my poem.
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54. Mirror, mirror, seek my answer
Mar 29 2014, 1:48 PM EDT | Post edited: Mar 29 2014, 1:48 PM EDT
As we look at our reflection
We see only the outside
No matter if it is glass or puddles, we see ourselves
We can not see the connection
No matter how we wish to see the secrets hidden inside
Our reflections are like library shelves
We are a vast collection
The shelves are stacked neatly to hide the mess inside
The moon also is a reflection of the sun itself
The moon in its own perfection.
It show's the sun's opposite side.
There goes the running wolves.
They run without detection
Its where darkness will reside
You look into the water, looking, seeking an answer to oneself.
Look carefully, look closely, look to your eyes.
Look at your inward reflection.
Eyes, the window to ourselves.
The answer is in your reflection's other side.
Mirror, Mirror, send me in the right direction
"The answer is time, the answer is yourself"
"Seek and you shall find"
though the lies try to bind.
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55. RE: The Unknown Self
Mar 30 2014, 10:36 PM EDT | Post edited: Mar 30 2014, 10:36 PM EDT
"Roses are red, Violets are Blue. I look like a Monkey, and I smell like one too.

there's my poem."
Roses are red,
My name is Dave,
This poem makes no sense,
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56. RE: The Unknown Self
Mar 30 2014, 10:44 PM EDT | Post edited: Mar 30 2014, 10:44 PM EDT
Wind blows trees sway
Fire burns meadows blaze
Lightning strikes flashes fade
thoughts a impulse that never fades
nervous twitch through the blaze

hear the screams or do you feel them?
The pain of hundreds long dead or bound
The past ancestors calling abound
The pain of the past that can haunt you oh my
what to do when you just let it to
whats waiting acting normal in person
as sanity is slowly fading within the person
Feeling ones family dead, a love so dear to be felt now thats gone
a corrupt monarchy that acts like a head throne

Novels and stories that you read
Make impressions of feelings that act like weeds
Breaking your mask that you always keep high
Making your neutral stride falter an maybe even die
knowing more by feeling than by seeing things that you cant see
but why does this always end up happening to me
never won anything never in my life
if i ever did i know it was swindled right

hearing the words people say behind you as you walk away
watching there looks as you pass them by
reading there forms watching there face knowing what they wouldn't ******* say to your face

no one bothers thee
for there is no reason too
the world just plays and dances on your grave laughing with glee
you cry in a corner
to only get laughed and bitched at
so what used to be doesn't seem to be
no longer can ever be

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57. RE: poems
Mar 30 2014, 10:44 PM EDT | Post edited: Mar 30 2014, 10:46 PM EDT
so what was the point of having loved ones and a home
if it leaves you weak when your all alone
the wolf in you is always there
not really separate but always there
in the instincts you feel the impulse that dwells
the pain thats there even though there is no physical one
to touch or feel
you feel it anyway
in the back of the mind
like a sickness of plague
plunging the light of the mind into darkness acting like your grave

buried beneath the dirt rock clay an soil
clawing madly wanting to be freed
knowing that once you are it might not be the free you once knew
just a new sickness a new plague
just a new wall a new fake
just another hole to be burried in
just another home to watch burnin

✘ ✘ ✘
Felt like tossing another of my own out there myself. shootingstarbaby i guess you can use this in your book too if you like. its themed with reincarnations an so on. hunters an wolves an so on......
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58. RE: The Unknown Self
Mar 30 2014, 10:59 PM EDT | Post edited: Mar 30 2014, 10:59 PM EDT
"Wind blows trees sway
Fire burns meadows blaze
Lightning strikes flashes fade
thoughts a impulse that never fades
nervous twitch through the blaze

hear the screams or do you feel them?
The pain of hundreds long dead or bound
The past ancestors calling abound
The pain of the past that can haunt you oh my
what to do when you just let it to
whats waiting acting normal in person
as sanity is slowly fading within the person
Feeling ones family dead, a love so dear to be felt now thats gone
a corrupt monarchy that acts like a head throne

Novels and stories that you read
Make impressions of feelings that act like weeds
Breaking your mask that you always keep high
Making your neutral stride falter an maybe even die
knowing more by feeling than by seeing things that you cant see
but why does this always end up happening to me
never won anything never in my life
if i ever did i know it was swindled right

hearing the words people say behind you as you walk away
watching there looks as you pass them by
reading there forms watching there face knowing what they wouldn't ******* say to your face

no one bothers thee
for there is no reason too
the world just plays and dances on your grave laughing with glee
you cry in a corner
to only get laughed and bitched at
so what used to be doesn't seem to be
no longer can ever be

death, despair, diseaster.... a coming storm on the tongue as you look into the sun, and you think, could it all really be over in the blink of an eye
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59. RE: The Unknown Self
Mar 31 2014, 1:31 AM EDT | Post edited: Mar 31 2014, 1:31 AM EDT
i am sorry if my poems seem dark, sad, helpless...but i write what and how i feel.....most of the poems are about me... Do you find this valuable?    
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